Магазин Автозапчастин A365
Наприклад: 0 988 223 345, колодки на хонду аккорд 7
SELECT DISTINCT b1.carmake, b1.url as carmakeurl, m1.brand_id, m1.id, m1.carmodel, m1.url FROM a365_auto_model m1 INNER JOIN a365_auto_brand b1 ON m1.brand_id=b1.id INNER JOIN a365_tdoc_car_models tdc ON tdc.carmodel_id = m1.id WHERE true ORDER BY b1.carmake, m1.carmodel
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT b1.*, b2.descr FROM a365_auto_brand b1 INNER JOIN a365_auto_brand_lang b2 ON b1.id=b2.brand_id AND b2.lang_id='1' WHERE b1.is_visible = 1 ORDER BY b1.carmake
MySQL server has gone away

Опора двигуна BcGuma, Mercedes, Fa1, Swag, Optimal

SELECT count(*) as totalitems FROM a365_cat_item i1 INNER JOIN a365_cat_sectitem cc1 ON i1.id=cc1.item_id AND cc1.sect_id='123' INNER JOIN a365_cat_producer m1 ON i1.make_id=m1.id INNER JOIN a365_cat_section c1 ON cc1.sect_id=c1.id WHERE i1.id<>0 AND i1.status='0' AND i1.archive=0
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT count(*) as totalitems FROM a365_cat_item i1 INNER JOIN a365_cat_sectitem cc1 ON i1.id=cc1.item_id AND cc1.sect_id='123' INNER JOIN a365_cat_producer m1 ON i1.make_id=m1.id INNER JOIN a365_cat_section c1 ON cc1.sect_id=c1.id WHERE i1.id<>0 AND i1.status='1' AND i1.archive=0
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT count(*) as totalitems FROM a365_cat_item i1 INNER JOIN a365_cat_sectitem cc1 ON i1.id=cc1.item_id AND cc1.sect_id='123' INNER JOIN a365_cat_producer m1 ON i1.make_id=m1.id INNER JOIN a365_cat_section c1 ON cc1.sect_id=c1.id WHERE i1.id<>0 AND i1.status='2' AND i1.archive=0
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT count(*) as totalitems FROM a365_cat_item i1 INNER JOIN a365_cat_sectitem cc1 ON i1.id=cc1.item_id AND cc1.sect_id='123' INNER JOIN a365_cat_producer m1 ON i1.make_id=m1.id INNER JOIN a365_cat_section c1 ON cc1.sect_id=c1.id WHERE i1.id<>0 AND i1.status='3' AND i1.archive=0
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT count(*) as totalitems FROM a365_cat_item i1 INNER JOIN a365_cat_sectitem cc1 ON i1.id=cc1.item_id AND cc1.sect_id='123' INNER JOIN a365_cat_producer m1 ON i1.make_id=m1.id INNER JOIN a365_cat_section c1 ON cc1.sect_id=c1.id WHERE i1.id<>0 AND i1.status='4' AND i1.archive=0
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT count(*) as totalitems FROM a365_cat_item i1 INNER JOIN a365_cat_sectitem cc1 ON i1.id=cc1.item_id AND cc1.sect_id='123' INNER JOIN a365_cat_producer m1 ON i1.make_id=m1.id INNER JOIN a365_cat_section c1 ON cc1.sect_id=c1.id INNER JOIN a365_cat_action_items ai1 ON i1.id=ai1.prod_id INNER JOIN a365_cat_actions a1 ON ai1.act_id=a1.id AND a1.active=1 WHERE i1.id<>0 AND i1.status='0' AND i1.archive=0
MySQL server has gone away
Для початку підбору автомобілем виберіть бренд авто.
за популярністю
SELECT count(*) as totcomments FROM a365_cat_item_comment WHERE prod_id='80054' AND visible=1
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT avg(rate) as avgrate FROM a365_cat_item_comment WHERE prod_id='80054' AND visible=1
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT s1.*, p1.id as prid, p1.currency_id, p1.currency_price, p1.currency_price2, p1.discval, p1.price, p1.price2, p1.price3, p1.price4, p1.availiable_now, p1.bonus FROM a365_cat_item_models s1 LEFT JOIN a365_cat_price p1 ON s1.item_id=p1.item_id AND s1.id=p1.subm_id WHERE s1.item_id='80054' ORDER BY s1.sort_num, s1.model
MySQL server has gone away
Подушка двигателя OPTIMAL F8-6499
Код: F8-6499
1 911 грн.
SELECT count(*) as totcomments FROM a365_cat_item_comment WHERE prod_id='43042' AND visible=1
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT avg(rate) as avgrate FROM a365_cat_item_comment WHERE prod_id='43042' AND visible=1
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT s1.*, p1.id as prid, p1.currency_id, p1.currency_price, p1.currency_price2, p1.discval, p1.price, p1.price2, p1.price3, p1.price4, p1.availiable_now, p1.bonus FROM a365_cat_item_models s1 LEFT JOIN a365_cat_price p1 ON s1.item_id=p1.item_id AND s1.id=p1.subm_id WHERE s1.item_id='43042' ORDER BY s1.sort_num, s1.model
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT count(*) as totcomments FROM a365_cat_item_comment WHERE prod_id='83906' AND visible=1
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT avg(rate) as avgrate FROM a365_cat_item_comment WHERE prod_id='83906' AND visible=1
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT s1.*, p1.id as prid, p1.currency_id, p1.currency_price, p1.currency_price2, p1.discval, p1.price, p1.price2, p1.price3, p1.price4, p1.availiable_now, p1.bonus FROM a365_cat_item_models s1 LEFT JOIN a365_cat_price p1 ON s1.item_id=p1.item_id AND s1.id=p1.subm_id WHERE s1.item_id='83906' ORDER BY s1.sort_num, s1.model
MySQL server has gone away
Подушка двигуна MERCEDES A2122403017
Код: A2122403017
7 875 грн.
SELECT count(*) as totcomments FROM a365_cat_item_comment WHERE prod_id='43043' AND visible=1
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT avg(rate) as avgrate FROM a365_cat_item_comment WHERE prod_id='43043' AND visible=1
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT s1.*, p1.id as prid, p1.currency_id, p1.currency_price, p1.currency_price2, p1.discval, p1.price, p1.price2, p1.price3, p1.price4, p1.availiable_now, p1.bonus FROM a365_cat_item_models s1 LEFT JOIN a365_cat_price p1 ON s1.item_id=p1.item_id AND s1.id=p1.subm_id WHERE s1.item_id='43043' ORDER BY s1.sort_num, s1.model
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT count(*) as totcomments FROM a365_cat_item_comment WHERE prod_id='83879' AND visible=1
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT avg(rate) as avgrate FROM a365_cat_item_comment WHERE prod_id='83879' AND visible=1
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT s1.*, p1.id as prid, p1.currency_id, p1.currency_price, p1.currency_price2, p1.discval, p1.price, p1.price2, p1.price3, p1.price4, p1.availiable_now, p1.bonus FROM a365_cat_item_models s1 LEFT JOIN a365_cat_price p1 ON s1.item_id=p1.item_id AND s1.id=p1.subm_id WHERE s1.item_id='83879' ORDER BY s1.sort_num, s1.model
MySQL server has gone away
Подушка двигуна MERCEDES A1662400518
Код: A1662400518
3 442 грн.
SELECT count(*) as totcomments FROM a365_cat_item_comment WHERE prod_id='83884' AND visible=1
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT avg(rate) as avgrate FROM a365_cat_item_comment WHERE prod_id='83884' AND visible=1
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT s1.*, p1.id as prid, p1.currency_id, p1.currency_price, p1.currency_price2, p1.discval, p1.price, p1.price2, p1.price3, p1.price4, p1.availiable_now, p1.bonus FROM a365_cat_item_models s1 LEFT JOIN a365_cat_price p1 ON s1.item_id=p1.item_id AND s1.id=p1.subm_id WHERE s1.item_id='83884' ORDER BY s1.sort_num, s1.model
MySQL server has gone away
Подушка підрамника MERCEDES A1663330814
Код: A1663330814
1 112 грн.
SELECT count(*) as totcomments FROM a365_cat_item_comment WHERE prod_id='9678' AND visible=1
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT avg(rate) as avgrate FROM a365_cat_item_comment WHERE prod_id='9678' AND visible=1
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT s1.*, p1.id as prid, p1.currency_id, p1.currency_price, p1.currency_price2, p1.discval, p1.price, p1.price2, p1.price3, p1.price4, p1.availiable_now, p1.bonus FROM a365_cat_item_models s1 LEFT JOIN a365_cat_price p1 ON s1.item_id=p1.item_id AND s1.id=p1.subm_id WHERE s1.item_id='9678' ORDER BY s1.sort_num, s1.model
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT count(*) as totcomments FROM a365_cat_item_comment WHERE prod_id='26947' AND visible=1
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT avg(rate) as avgrate FROM a365_cat_item_comment WHERE prod_id='26947' AND visible=1
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT s1.*, p1.id as prid, p1.currency_id, p1.currency_price, p1.currency_price2, p1.discval, p1.price, p1.price2, p1.price3, p1.price4, p1.availiable_now, p1.bonus FROM a365_cat_item_models s1 LEFT JOIN a365_cat_price p1 ON s1.item_id=p1.item_id AND s1.id=p1.subm_id WHERE s1.item_id='26947' ORDER BY s1.sort_num, s1.model
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT count(*) as totcomments FROM a365_cat_item_comment WHERE prod_id='12917' AND visible=1
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT avg(rate) as avgrate FROM a365_cat_item_comment WHERE prod_id='12917' AND visible=1
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT s1.*, p1.id as prid, p1.currency_id, p1.currency_price, p1.currency_price2, p1.discval, p1.price, p1.price2, p1.price3, p1.price4, p1.availiable_now, p1.bonus FROM a365_cat_item_models s1 LEFT JOIN a365_cat_price p1 ON s1.item_id=p1.item_id AND s1.id=p1.subm_id WHERE s1.item_id='12917' ORDER BY s1.sort_num, s1.model
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT count(*) as totcomments FROM a365_cat_item_comment WHERE prod_id='26825' AND visible=1
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT avg(rate) as avgrate FROM a365_cat_item_comment WHERE prod_id='26825' AND visible=1
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT s1.*, p1.id as prid, p1.currency_id, p1.currency_price, p1.currency_price2, p1.discval, p1.price, p1.price2, p1.price3, p1.price4, p1.availiable_now, p1.bonus FROM a365_cat_item_models s1 LEFT JOIN a365_cat_price p1 ON s1.item_id=p1.item_id AND s1.id=p1.subm_id WHERE s1.item_id='26825' ORDER BY s1.sort_num, s1.model
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT count(*) as totcomments FROM a365_cat_item_comment WHERE prod_id='9679' AND visible=1
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT avg(rate) as avgrate FROM a365_cat_item_comment WHERE prod_id='9679' AND visible=1
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT s1.*, p1.id as prid, p1.currency_id, p1.currency_price, p1.currency_price2, p1.discval, p1.price, p1.price2, p1.price3, p1.price4, p1.availiable_now, p1.bonus FROM a365_cat_item_models s1 LEFT JOIN a365_cat_price p1 ON s1.item_id=p1.item_id AND s1.id=p1.subm_id WHERE s1.item_id='9679' ORDER BY s1.sort_num, s1.model
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT count(*) as totcomments FROM a365_cat_item_comment WHERE prod_id='26839' AND visible=1
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT avg(rate) as avgrate FROM a365_cat_item_comment WHERE prod_id='26839' AND visible=1
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT s1.*, p1.id as prid, p1.currency_id, p1.currency_price, p1.currency_price2, p1.discval, p1.price, p1.price2, p1.price3, p1.price4, p1.availiable_now, p1.bonus FROM a365_cat_item_models s1 LEFT JOIN a365_cat_price p1 ON s1.item_id=p1.item_id AND s1.id=p1.subm_id WHERE s1.item_id='26839' ORDER BY s1.sort_num, s1.model
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT count(*) as totcomments FROM a365_cat_item_comment WHERE prod_id='9691' AND visible=1
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT avg(rate) as avgrate FROM a365_cat_item_comment WHERE prod_id='9691' AND visible=1
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT s1.*, p1.id as prid, p1.currency_id, p1.currency_price, p1.currency_price2, p1.discval, p1.price, p1.price2, p1.price3, p1.price4, p1.availiable_now, p1.bonus FROM a365_cat_item_models s1 LEFT JOIN a365_cat_price p1 ON s1.item_id=p1.item_id AND s1.id=p1.subm_id WHERE s1.item_id='9691' ORDER BY s1.sort_num, s1.model
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT count(*) as totcomments FROM a365_cat_item_comment WHERE prod_id='80048' AND visible=1
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT avg(rate) as avgrate FROM a365_cat_item_comment WHERE prod_id='80048' AND visible=1
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT s1.*, p1.id as prid, p1.currency_id, p1.currency_price, p1.currency_price2, p1.discval, p1.price, p1.price2, p1.price3, p1.price4, p1.availiable_now, p1.bonus FROM a365_cat_item_models s1 LEFT JOIN a365_cat_price p1 ON s1.item_id=p1.item_id AND s1.id=p1.subm_id WHERE s1.item_id='80048' ORDER BY s1.sort_num, s1.model
MySQL server has gone away
Подушка балки OPTIMAL F8-6679
Код: F8-6679
678 грн.
SELECT count(*) as totcomments FROM a365_cat_item_comment WHERE prod_id='26669' AND visible=1
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT avg(rate) as avgrate FROM a365_cat_item_comment WHERE prod_id='26669' AND visible=1
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT s1.*, p1.id as prid, p1.currency_id, p1.currency_price, p1.currency_price2, p1.discval, p1.price, p1.price2, p1.price3, p1.price4, p1.availiable_now, p1.bonus FROM a365_cat_item_models s1 LEFT JOIN a365_cat_price p1 ON s1.item_id=p1.item_id AND s1.id=p1.subm_id WHERE s1.item_id='26669' ORDER BY s1.sort_num, s1.model
MySQL server has gone away
Код: BC1421
678 грн.
SELECT count(*) as totcomments FROM a365_cat_item_comment WHERE prod_id='26967' AND visible=1
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT avg(rate) as avgrate FROM a365_cat_item_comment WHERE prod_id='26967' AND visible=1
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT s1.*, p1.id as prid, p1.currency_id, p1.currency_price, p1.currency_price2, p1.discval, p1.price, p1.price2, p1.price3, p1.price4, p1.availiable_now, p1.bonus FROM a365_cat_item_models s1 LEFT JOIN a365_cat_price p1 ON s1.item_id=p1.item_id AND s1.id=p1.subm_id WHERE s1.item_id='26967' ORDER BY s1.sort_num, s1.model
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT count(*) as totcomments FROM a365_cat_item_comment WHERE prod_id='83912' AND visible=1
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT avg(rate) as avgrate FROM a365_cat_item_comment WHERE prod_id='83912' AND visible=1
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT s1.*, p1.id as prid, p1.currency_id, p1.currency_price, p1.currency_price2, p1.discval, p1.price, p1.price2, p1.price3, p1.price4, p1.availiable_now, p1.bonus FROM a365_cat_item_models s1 LEFT JOIN a365_cat_price p1 ON s1.item_id=p1.item_id AND s1.id=p1.subm_id WHERE s1.item_id='83912' ORDER BY s1.sort_num, s1.model
MySQL server has gone away
Подушка двигуна MERCEDES A2212406617
Код: A2212406617
5 702 грн.
SELECT count(*) as totcomments FROM a365_cat_item_comment WHERE prod_id='26840' AND visible=1
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT avg(rate) as avgrate FROM a365_cat_item_comment WHERE prod_id='26840' AND visible=1
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT s1.*, p1.id as prid, p1.currency_id, p1.currency_price, p1.currency_price2, p1.discval, p1.price, p1.price2, p1.price3, p1.price4, p1.availiable_now, p1.bonus FROM a365_cat_item_models s1 LEFT JOIN a365_cat_price p1 ON s1.item_id=p1.item_id AND s1.id=p1.subm_id WHERE s1.item_id='26840' ORDER BY s1.sort_num, s1.model
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT count(*) as totcomments FROM a365_cat_item_comment WHERE prod_id='79492' AND visible=1
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT avg(rate) as avgrate FROM a365_cat_item_comment WHERE prod_id='79492' AND visible=1
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT s1.*, p1.id as prid, p1.currency_id, p1.currency_price, p1.currency_price2, p1.discval, p1.price, p1.price2, p1.price3, p1.price4, p1.availiable_now, p1.bonus FROM a365_cat_item_models s1 LEFT JOIN a365_cat_price p1 ON s1.item_id=p1.item_id AND s1.id=p1.subm_id WHERE s1.item_id='79492' ORDER BY s1.sort_num, s1.model
MySQL server has gone away
Опора двигателя OPTIMAL F8-4022
Код: F8-4022
375 грн.
SELECT count(*) as totcomments FROM a365_cat_item_comment WHERE prod_id='77037' AND visible=1
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT avg(rate) as avgrate FROM a365_cat_item_comment WHERE prod_id='77037' AND visible=1
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT s1.*, p1.id as prid, p1.currency_id, p1.currency_price, p1.currency_price2, p1.discval, p1.price, p1.price2, p1.price3, p1.price4, p1.availiable_now, p1.bonus FROM a365_cat_item_models s1 LEFT JOIN a365_cat_price p1 ON s1.item_id=p1.item_id AND s1.id=p1.subm_id WHERE s1.item_id='77037' ORDER BY s1.sort_num, s1.model
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT count(*) as totcomments FROM a365_cat_item_comment WHERE prod_id='228353' AND visible=1
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT avg(rate) as avgrate FROM a365_cat_item_comment WHERE prod_id='228353' AND visible=1
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT s1.*, p1.id as prid, p1.currency_id, p1.currency_price, p1.currency_price2, p1.discval, p1.price, p1.price2, p1.price3, p1.price4, p1.availiable_now, p1.bonus FROM a365_cat_item_models s1 LEFT JOIN a365_cat_price p1 ON s1.item_id=p1.item_id AND s1.id=p1.subm_id WHERE s1.item_id='228353' ORDER BY s1.sort_num, s1.model
MySQL server has gone away
Подушка MERCEDES A1039880111
Код: A1039880111
358 грн.
SELECT count(*) as totcomments FROM a365_cat_item_comment WHERE prod_id='292357' AND visible=1
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT avg(rate) as avgrate FROM a365_cat_item_comment WHERE prod_id='292357' AND visible=1
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT s1.*, p1.id as prid, p1.currency_id, p1.currency_price, p1.currency_price2, p1.discval, p1.price, p1.price2, p1.price3, p1.price4, p1.availiable_now, p1.bonus FROM a365_cat_item_models s1 LEFT JOIN a365_cat_price p1 ON s1.item_id=p1.item_id AND s1.id=p1.subm_id WHERE s1.item_id='292357' ORDER BY s1.sort_num, s1.model
MySQL server has gone away
Опора КПП SWAG 30 10 3184
Код: 30 10 3184
638 грн.
SELECT count(*) as totcomments FROM a365_cat_item_comment WHERE prod_id='232198' AND visible=1
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT avg(rate) as avgrate FROM a365_cat_item_comment WHERE prod_id='232198' AND visible=1
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT s1.*, p1.id as prid, p1.currency_id, p1.currency_price, p1.currency_price2, p1.discval, p1.price, p1.price2, p1.price3, p1.price4, p1.availiable_now, p1.bonus FROM a365_cat_item_models s1 LEFT JOIN a365_cat_price p1 ON s1.item_id=p1.item_id AND s1.id=p1.subm_id WHERE s1.item_id='232198' ORDER BY s1.sort_num, s1.model
MySQL server has gone away
Подушка радіатора MERCEDES A1405040212
Код: A1405040212
213 грн.
SELECT count(*) as totcomments FROM a365_cat_item_comment WHERE prod_id='226062' AND visible=1
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT avg(rate) as avgrate FROM a365_cat_item_comment WHERE prod_id='226062' AND visible=1
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT s1.*, p1.id as prid, p1.currency_id, p1.currency_price, p1.currency_price2, p1.discval, p1.price, p1.price2, p1.price3, p1.price4, p1.availiable_now, p1.bonus FROM a365_cat_item_models s1 LEFT JOIN a365_cat_price p1 ON s1.item_id=p1.item_id AND s1.id=p1.subm_id WHERE s1.item_id='226062' ORDER BY s1.sort_num, s1.model
MySQL server has gone away
Подушка радiатора MERCEDES A1235040412
Код: A1235040412
179 грн.
SELECT count(*) as totalitems FROM a365_cat_item i1 INNER JOIN a365_cat_sectitem cc1 ON i1.id=cc1.item_id AND cc1.sect_id='123' INNER JOIN a365_cat_producer m1 ON i1.make_id=m1.id INNER JOIN a365_cat_section c1 ON cc1.sect_id=c1.id WHERE i1.id<>0 AND i1.status='1' AND i1.archive=0
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT count(*) as totalitems FROM a365_cat_item i1 INNER JOIN a365_cat_sectitem cc1 ON i1.id=cc1.item_id AND cc1.sect_id='123' INNER JOIN a365_cat_producer m1 ON i1.make_id=m1.id INNER JOIN a365_cat_section c1 ON cc1.sect_id=c1.id WHERE i1.id<>0 AND i1.status='2' AND i1.archive=0
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT count(*) as totalitems FROM a365_cat_item i1 INNER JOIN a365_cat_sectitem cc1 ON i1.id=cc1.item_id AND cc1.sect_id='123' INNER JOIN a365_cat_producer m1 ON i1.make_id=m1.id INNER JOIN a365_cat_section c1 ON cc1.sect_id=c1.id WHERE i1.id<>0 AND i1.status='3' AND i1.archive=0
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT count(*) as totalitems FROM a365_cat_item i1 INNER JOIN a365_cat_sectitem cc1 ON i1.id=cc1.item_id AND cc1.sect_id='123' INNER JOIN a365_cat_producer m1 ON i1.make_id=m1.id INNER JOIN a365_cat_section c1 ON cc1.sect_id=c1.id WHERE i1.id<>0 AND i1.status='4' AND i1.archive=0
MySQL server has gone away
SELECT count(*) as totalitems FROM a365_cat_item i1 INNER JOIN a365_cat_sectitem cc1 ON i1.id=cc1.item_id AND cc1.sect_id='123' INNER JOIN a365_cat_producer m1 ON i1.make_id=m1.id INNER JOIN a365_cat_section c1 ON cc1.sect_id=c1.id INNER JOIN a365_cat_action_items ai1 ON i1.id=ai1.prod_id INNER JOIN a365_cat_actions a1 ON ai1.act_id=a1.id AND a1.active=1 WHERE i1.id<>0 AND i1.status='0' AND i1.archive=0
MySQL server has gone away
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SELECT c1.id, c1.parent_id, c1.is_link, c1.url as sect_url, c2.name as section, c1.filename, c11.url as parenturl FROM a365_cat_sect_releated r1 INNER JOIN a365_cat_section c1 ON r1.sect_id_rel=c1.id INNER JOIN a365_cat_section_lang c2 ON c1.id=c2.sect_id AND c2.lang_id='1' LEFT JOIN a365_cat_section c11 ON c1.parent_id=c11.id WHERE r1.sect_id='123' AND r1.sect_id_rel<>0 AND r1.relrule=1 ORDER BY c1.sect_rate DESC LIMIT 0,5
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SELECT m1.*, m2.title, m2.content, DAYOFMONTH(dtime) as day, MONTH(dtime) as month, YEAR(dtime) as year FROM a365_news m1, a365_news_lang m2 WHERE m1.ngroup='1' AND m1.id=m2.news_id AND m2.lang_id='1' AND m1.sect_id='123' ORDER BY m1.dtime DESC LIMIT 0,3
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